Saturday, August 28, 2010

#047 all in all.

❝dance in the dark❞


sooo im just gonna blog about what happened yesterday.
im being loaded with homework to do over the weekend ):
it really is pitiful really.
for last period i went to the gym.
after gym i met up with ANGE, JUSTIN, VICKY, BRANDON, ADAM, AARON at gloria :)
it was fun ;)
i was messing up all my words when i spoke.
and i have no idea why.
then i passed the speaking sickness to justin ;)
ANYYWAYYSS. we bought like coffee. and it was like SOO FRIKKIN BITTER.
and like only after half way thru,
i realised that we had to put sugar in ;) ahahahahha.
adam and justin were like. OMFG MING, why didnt u tell us!
;) MY BAD.

anyways about me being sick.
remember i went to the gym for last period?
& being STUPID.
i didnt warm up, and i just started running at the speed 11.
i think thats slow. i dunno :D BUT WELL IM NOT FIT ;)
anywayss. i havent exercised over the summer.
so like i was sweating as hell and shiz. well not really..
but i wasnt used to it after the 2 month hol
and after school i was like running all over the place trying to find transport
well, i was meant to follow ling's car.
but my mom told me not to because there was a massive jam,
at the area i live in. LIKE.. 3 hours jam.
soo my mom asked me to go to Joo Oh's house first.
got a lift from Chris & Taras.
jfkjsdnkfnds anyways i stayed there for like an hour.
walked around and talked.
i was like frikking stuck in the jam for like 2 hours.
& when i got home.. i was like feeling pins and needles on my hands.
and i was like .. gah must have been from the aircond.
gjkdnfkgjdsn. i showered and i was feeling all cold and stuff :O
it was already 6.30 by then.
i watched tv.. and had like.. vege.
& i had literally no appetite.
and when i went upstairs i felt all dizzy and stuff. like i couldnt walk straight.
well anyways i ignored that.
i like just rested on my bed for a minute and i went on the comp.
i felt slightly better but then i started feeling nauseous.
& when i like took a breathe, like i would feel some strangeness..
i dont know what it was.. it was a mixture of nausea and OMG IM GONNA STOP BREATHING ANY SECOND NOW.
so yeah i ran down to my mom just in case and i told her to let me call my tuition teacher.
cause she does pharmaceutical and she knows about like doctoryy kinda stuff. ;)
i was on the floor when i was talking to her.
& my then the pins and needles were like all over my arms.
and my joints were like numb ): and i like COULDNT WALK STRAIGHT.
scariest day of my life.
she told me to go to the emergency immediately,
cause i might have like tore a muscle or w/e
but my mom was like shouting at me saying that im over exaggerating and that i didnt need to go.
but obviously in the end, my aunty jamie told my mom to just go take me.
so i went.. and i seriously couldnt walk :O
when i went to the doctors.
he was like.
"AHHH, you have lack of electrolytes. YOU OVER WORKED YOURSELF!"
and i was like.. LOL. then he went,
& he was like "did you start slow?
me: "no..."
then he went "YOU MUST WARM UP"
i was like lol okkkk.
so he gave me this salt drink and a pill.
but like seriously, i thought i was gonna die at homme
anyways.. homework time ;)


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