Tuesday, August 10, 2010

#035 drops of jupiter.

❝and we'll crawl, till we can walk again, & we'll run, until we're strong enough to jump then we'll fly❞


hai thur (:
okay so i shall rant about my day (:
i woke up at 6.25 !! IMMEDIATELY to the alarm ring :D
im so proud.
& i changed and shiiz.
i fergot to put perfume ):
we went to have breakfast at a mamak store.
i had claypot noodles.
the food is SOO YUM (:
the places that my mom's cousin brings me to are awesome (:
FUUU. i willz getz fatz.
D: gfndslkjgnfds
so anyways.. when i was working and amending codes. i literally nearly fell asleep.
OH OH OH AND AND AND i saw a transsexual dude buying things (:
AND AND AND 2 gay dudes that were buying stuff as they were gonna move in together :P
then i went to the toilet and there was a fuuing MASSIVE LIZARD on the wall
so, well. i ran out (:
and i held "it" in. honestly speaking i was gonna explode :)
i was so bored after that . i was like taking photos of my aunties shop.
but i cant upload them now cause its failing me.
i got to the "C" codes today. i have amended like.. 378.
250 more to go till im done with "C" D:
ill post the photos up tomorrow or something (:

oooh i went out today (:
Brian, Bryan and I met up with the rest at the gardens cinema. they watched INCEPTION
epic movie :D
then we walked aroundd, then ate at alexis.
RM356 bucks well spent :D ehe.
ANGE paid 250. BRYAN 50. RACHEL 50. BRIAN 3. ME 3. LOL.
then we had a so called "photoshoot" pic (:
farnehhh much.
we went to baskin robins after (: mmm.
my aunty bought icecreams for Rachel, Donovan and I.
so naiiisee (:
well i left straight after that (:

OOH BTW, should i reformat my comp?
its like so frikkin slooow, and i have so many useless programs that i do not use anymore.
SPEAKING OF ELECTRONICS, workers at the shop keep GLARING at my itouch D:
haih.. i havent played neopets in SO LONG.
i should (: but hopefully i dont get addicted to it when school starts.


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