Monday, August 23, 2010

#044 damn.

❝cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight❞


heyy (:
WELL todayy, i watched a bit of gourmet :D
well one episode.
im on the 18th ep :D
then i showered and shiz.
THEN MICHELLE CAME :D at like 3 tho :O
MAN. then our tradition :D
NUGGETS!! but there werent enough, so we had chicken as well.
went to the gym for the aircond ;) aahah.
OH & we saw meikei :D
then we went swim.
i think the guards thought we were going crazy D:
we were SOO LOUD :O

there was this bit where we were doing somersaults in the pool,
and i told michelle to open eyes while doing it, & itold her that i would do it as well.
but i think we got so caught up into opening our eyes,
we forgot to blow bubbles from our nose.
SO YES. we ended up dying :)
and choking.
suffocating. yeah.

i went to church in the morning with michelle.
MAN i would rather go for NX at 5pm.
cause my cousin was going for a seminar so we couldnt make it.
nothing interesting is happening in my life D:
so there.


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