Thursday, September 16, 2010

#065 nothing is impossible.

❝through you, i can do anything, i can do all things


i woke up at 1.30 today.
i actually woke up at 11. but i really couldnt give a fdksjfnds to wake up.
i got my tumblr up and running :) and i changed my theme.
i think it looks way better than it did before.

go check it out :)

anyways. my msn aint working.
and i got a list of things to do today

-paper 4's
-paper 2's
-english summary
-differentiation homework.

shiz. its like 6 and i havent started :O :O screwed. screwed
but its okay. coz i gained lots of energy from sleeping like a pig :D
gah im such a lazy butt.

OH YES. and i ordered pizza :D :D
which explains the first picture on my tumblr.
i was like reblogging shiz.
i just had to order it :D

anyways. im so glad its a hol today :)
just 1 more day till i can relax.
WELL. not really. coz im gonna be stuck at calvaryland doing community service with my church
BUT THATS OKAY :) i like community service.
it gives a sense of CARING-NESS and GOOD-NESS :D
and i like being caring ;)
and also, my karma will go WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP :D

OH OH and yes. i got a new visitor from Canada :D
and USA
and 2 from Malaysia.
which meeaanss.
I REACH 200 unique visitors :)

okay i shall stop :D


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