Tuesday, September 14, 2010

#062 erase me.

❝i keep on running


wooooo. hello.
IM CLOSE to 200 individuals who have visited my blog :)
it rained like crazy this morning
it was so nice but kinda sucky
when i was walking down from the fifth floor to go to maths, it was like so frikkin cold and the rain;
was like saturating me alive man.
and when i was walking down the corridor, i was talking to vikram,
about some "stuff" the wind was like blowing in my direction and it was drenching me.
so i started pushing him into the rain to the right because i didnt wanna get wet. :D duh. :D
i was literally drenched on my left despite my pushing 0.0
and i took off my socks as well. coz yes they were drenched as well
& wuishen was just like "this is pretty fun"
and im like. NO!
i hope that made sense, coz im kinda ranting.. my head isnt really where its supposed to be today.
& i dont really feel like using my brain(equals crap english) right now so yeah

everything else was really boring..
like english, and maths and physics and ict.
actually ict is alright :)
coz i can talk.

man im really mad at my mom right now
3rd thing i hate about her.
i hate it when she shouts at me for no reason.
she was sooo effing loud.
havent heard her that loud before.
terrifying it really is 0.0

sorry for being so boring these few days ):
i know i keep repeating that.
but i really dont know what to talk about D:
life is so boringgg and shizz.

OHOH and this saturday i decided to follow my church to
yeahhh :)
Kerby and Alex.L were asking me if i was gonna go.. and i was like..
michelle aint goingg.
imma be ditched and shiz like that.
but then i changed my mind.
and then i can SOCIALIZE with peeps.
thats right.


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