Tuesday, July 27, 2010

#019 animal.

❝love is always patient and kind. it is never jealous. love is never boastful or conceited. its never rude or selfish. if does not take offence and is not resentful❞


meh i love the quote above.
its nearly 3am :)
& i am meant to turn of the internet but if i do,
& my mom catches me, im SCREWED.
man, either ways.
im scared to go down.
its so frikkin DARK.
i am scared of the dark :(
yes. i know. LAME. gah.

since 12, i have been just facebooking and neopetting
i found like 8 worms.
& i have to find 2 more!
you prolly dont understand anything im saying ==
and i AM ranting.
i was just talking to michelle since 12.
& shawn. ISH.
BAHAHAHAHA. funny convo kinda.

anyways; im bored. im gonna go LOOK FOR MORE WORMS :) oh yeah.
im cool like that.

omggg; look at my worms. they are so epic.
& i cant frikkin FIND ANY MORE WORMS.
im looking for a pink and black one :)


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