Tuesday, July 20, 2010

#008 jungle drum.

❝every time i hit my head, im afraid that i will die :P❞


today MICHELLE IS COMING OVER!! something to add to my summer list :)
i woke up at like 10.30 because she said she was coming over at 11
but nooouu; she is showering at home right now >B( and now its 11.30
i could be sleeping in till like 12 or something. gah.
her mom is sneaking her over to my house because her dad doesnt actually allow michelle to come over to my place.
she has a COOL mom :D
also later, if i have transport & if michelle agrees, im gonna go hang with novia at 2.30 ish

this is a good thing.

damn. we were all meant to go rockclimbing on monday D:
but its soo frikkin expensive.
its like RM118. :O
so im starting to be reluctant to go
i havent rockclimbed before D: so i prolly suck
but it sounds pretty fun :)


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