Tuesday, July 20, 2010

#009 faithfully.

❝vfndvkljfndksjn eff you for being so perfect❞


michelle left :(
and i just took my dinner.
it was so much fuuunnn tho :) but weird at the same timeee
if you suffer from some illness that occurs when reading boring rants, STOP NOW :D
coz im gonna tell you a grandmother story :D

anyways when michelle came, we were like GAHH WHAT DO WE DOOO goshh..
coz really it was so boring i could have killed myself.
AHHAAH jokeess; i would never kill myself! let me rephrase that.
it was SOO boring that i could have killed michelle >B)
she was BEGGING me to go swimming.
but i realised that we couldnt go swimming at the clubhouse next door because my mom doesnt own the house there anymore;
therefore not allowing us to swim.
then chelle was like. LETS GO PLAY TENNIS! you can teach me ;)
& i was like oh hell yes! but that was at the clubhouse. smart.

anywayys; after that we sat on my bed and i told her like my biggest secrets ever!
i was so reluctant to though D:
BUT I DID. & i dont regret it.
@michelle. say a word & i break your neck :)
im such a good friend :D

we had lunch and i FORCED her to watched house. she hated it at the beginning, but GUESS WHAT! she loved it after that.
i think house is such a good show :)
OH once. i was watching grey’s anatomy, and they were talking about brain tumors and stuff
& one day, i was showing some of the symptoms.
and i started begging my mom to bring me to a brain surgeon . BAHHAHAHA MEMORIES .
anyywayss. we went upstairs and we were like killer bored and we played like this game for like 5 minutes XD [i shall not name it]
then we felt like eating nuggets. michelle thinks my nuggets are even more yummy than mcDonalds’

im ranting.

we put on like face masks that i bought from watson :P
damnn; michelle was like laughing so much when she saw how she looked like in the mirror :)
i just realised that watson is starting to bring in like REALLY EPIC STUFF.
like this brand MAJOLICA MAJORCA which ling introduced me to, EPIC :)

after that we went down to make milo. AND I WAS LIKE PUTTING SO MUCH POWDER INTO THE GLASS. like HILLS!
and one thing lead to another, and we started laughing till our stomach’s hurt.
or as michelle says “AHH MY LEG IS SOO EFFING NUMB”
how did that happen? i dunno :)

when we went back up, it was like 4pm.
which meant 2 more hours till she left :(
we wasted it on taking photos. you know, those photos where we take one step. then snap.
another step, then snap.
we did it from the 3rd floor to the ground floor :P
BAHAHHA sad lives yes + we were bored. but it turned out so epic. it looked like i was floating :D

THEN RACHEL CALLED!!! and michelle was like making all these really gay jokes up XD
like you know. the typical yo momma jokes.
if only could see how much i laughed.
just picture wuishen.
then a spastic wuishen.
THERE YOU GO :) how i looked like. NOT INCLUDING HIS FACE THO :)

dayum this is a long post man.


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