Sunday, May 2, 2010

#002 kick ass.

so i woke up at like 10am today, which is normally never attempted by me. BUT! i went to Le Meridien to go eat lunch at a buffet! omnomnomnomnom. it was yum. i had like indian food, and the salad was like BEYOND BEWILDERING. WOOH. yum. ooh! i also had like RAW SALMON. i love salmon (pedo face) :D and i had like ROAST LAMB AND SHIZ. gahhh. dude is it just me? or do i sound like a big FAT pig. cause im not. i just took a bit of each. REALLY!

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It was like my mom’s , cousin’s , brother’s , daughter’s birthday :D i know, it sounds incredibly simple right. & I literally went high after eating marshmallows with chocolate fondue, plus the chocolate cake, plus the coffee/vanilla ice-cream, plus the … okay im gonna stop now. So due to the hyperness of moi, i went online with my itouch and started going crazy with Aaron. There was this dude, and i was like telling Aaron about how he kept staring at my family & i was all CONFUSED why he was so pedophiley. Turned out he was my Mom’s, Cousin’s, Brother’s, Wife’s, Brother’s, Son. I DEFINATELY MESSED THAT UP. so yeah.


Oh did i mention that i saw two of my teachers at le meridien? okay. that was not interesting at all & you didnt need to know that. dude im being a gay ass right now. i need to shaaadup. 

ANNNYWHO, Michelle is ditched me today, so i went to church ALONE. AGAIN. Chelle, that operation of yours, stole you from going to church! After Church i went for dinner at some nature garden restaurant. DUDE. it was like organic. not a fan. not a fan. NOT AT ALL! im bored. i think im gonna go watch the annoying orange >B)


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