Saturday, May 1, 2010

#001 undisclosed desires.

im feeling really guilty right now cause i just ditched my best friend Aaron to make this blog.

oh ooohh! i have been downloading gossip girl season 3 & its taking my whole lifetime to get this stupid thing to download D: DUDE. REALLY VUZE? YOU WANNA DO THIS TO ME? i hate u.

it takes like 10 hours just to download an episode. and im on ep7.

beeteedoubleyew. my exams are coming up soon & i think that im prolly the most nervous person on earth right now. basically just because i am NOT prepared & i have simply NO time to revise due to all my homework. im lying. ehe. :| i have got a major procrastination coming on against my revision topics. WHO WOULDNT? i have got like 30 different topics that i have to study and a malay oral speech that i have to prepare so REALLY? my room is gonna be filled with grievance for the next 390 hours.

uhm.. i just wanna say thankkyouuu Aaron&ken for making feel like SO much better after i told you about my “predicament” & i love you guys. But i have been meaning to tell Michelle about the “problem” since yesterday, so i shall anticipate on that tomorrow.

OOOH! i got my water rafting photos from international award! FINALLY! after all the MENTAL PRESSURE that “GIRL” has put on me. im not gonna go into details. ill just show you some of the pics :D


2 of my friends are in this group :D Rachel & Kenny. their group were like taking the lead. & the only reason was because they were the first to leave and we had to “help” people get through the rocky areas. i sympathize our group.

IMG_0414 THATS US!!! FOXTROT FTW. (Justin, Martyn, Ying Jing, Shaneel, Ms Sime and ME)


Thats us again. (: TEAM SPIRIT.



WE PROLLY HAD THE MOST EPIC water rafting guide. We hardly got stuck in any rocks which was definitely GOOD but we had to like help other groups get “unstuck” which was kinda lame but we still had the most extraordinary time. oh yes. BY THE WAY Foxtrot owns you :D im just kidding but really. we are FRIKKIIIIN cool.

I only put up 4 pictures but in fact there are like.. 268 :D  

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