Monday, March 28, 2011




hi there :D
so today was pretty alright.
REALLY REALLY unproductive once again though.
when i reached school, i just sat in the ICT lab exasperating donovan whilst he was practicing his ICT paper.
im so annoying.
so i decided to just go do some addmaths in the library.
anndd yeah. aaron, don and i wanted to go makan
so we were just waltzing around for like 15 minutes deciding where to eat
and we just rampaged into one mont kiara for the aircond :D that was nicee.
thenn, we walked all the way to pelita to MAKAN :D
omg yum. i was starving by then.
froyo was closed ): what a pity.
then we walked back to school and we saw a Lamborghini! :D

SO PRETTYY!!! :D :D love it.
anyways we walked back to school and i just stayed there studying with ms Y :D
but instead of spamming addmaths. we ended up taking photos and drawing all over her board :D

ahh my best friend is so special :)

life was pretty boring so aaron and i decided to meet up with kenny at edo.
and i literally wanted to annihilate him into non existence when he POURED GREEN TEA into my SHOE. eff.
i literally walked barefooted on the road ):
and yeah, i went back to froyo to see if it opened. BUT NOOOOO. ==
so we just went to coffee bean instead to eat green tea frozen yogurt.
i hate it. i had to stuff so much down my tummy,
im sick of it ):

SO MUCH! thats crazy.
anyways. yeah went home and i just died on my bed.
and i just finished tuition and im contemplating to whether or not i should play OMGPOP :D

2 more days till my bday :D excitement :D
5 till my PARTAYY :D


Sunday, March 27, 2011




heyyy (:
evening peeps.
today was a very unproductive day but it was FUNN :D
i ate at lemon garden in shangrila,
it was so omnomnom!

i mean, im so sick of home cooked food
and the taste of SALMON. MMMMMM
but i was slightly paranoid about the japan radiation shiz,
so i asked the manager and apparently most of their food are imported from aussieland.
which is good i guess.
shawn and i were having a heated altercation about how aussie imports their food from japan, whom then exports the food to KAYELLE.
[i am exaggerating about the dispute btw]
whatever the truth is :/

:D did i tell you that OMGPOP IS SO FRIKKIN FUN.
ohmy its like a drug.

so yeah imma go now :D skype with peeps.

3 more days till me birthday! :D :D
6 more till my party :)


Friday, March 25, 2011


❝watch as the storm goes through


hey (:
my study leave has started :D
and its pretty epic, because whilst i have nothing to be solicitous about,
many others are worrying about their..
orals? and ICT pracs. yeaah :/
good luck to them though :)

i still went to school today though
procrastinated SO BAD in my mind before i actually woke up :D
studied addmaths for a while with calvin then i went to secret recipe :D
with Aaron & Donovan.
THE FRIKKIN MACARONI made me feel like puking.
i'm usually craving for this dish.
but ew. heck no. not anymore! i hate it. i absolutely despise it.

after that i went to ms.Y's class to go study :D
and ms.Y gave me a long lecture about.. well about someone.
it was kinda distressing but yeah :/

i think Aaron, Brian and Donovan are so stimulated over the game :D
and i think they despise me for that but OH WELLS :)

5 days till my birthday :)
8 days till my party :)
YAYYYY excitement. :D

OHMAGAHHHH. right now. donovan is going on about how
if you crash a Proton Waja car,
squishes like a popiah
i should go skype with AARON NOW :D


Thursday, March 24, 2011


❝hello there. hows life?


i havent been blogging for quite some time,
but i have this intense urge to just .. rant. about life today :/

life.. is pretty standard, almost mundane.
it has its ups and downs and right now i feel like i'm on a roller coaster ride.
that seems intensely cliche but either ways.
i cant think of a better way to describe it.
how im feeling right now
is like a mix of mental pressure and extreme contentment but with a twist of exasperation

speaking of which, i have this friend.
who is so extremely engulfed in obfuscation, aggravation, disconsolation and the list can go on;
and i dont know what to do about it.
i want to help? i do. but whatever i do,
i think i make it worst for this friend.
[ friend, i know you are reading this :3 ]

that all sounded pretty despondent

anyways on the plus side :)
im finished with my malay orals and i have a whole week of study leave :D
and i am a happy child :D at least for now.
unless some narcissistic b*tch comes along and makes me so extremely distressed,
till i want to obliterate them entirely

man. i cant wait for april 2nd :)
9 days!

ytf is this font so small
